Brochure Designs & E-portfolios
Today's workshop consisted of lots of information about the process of applying for jobs as graduate teachers. Greg Powell provided interesting ways on how to handle an interview.
We were then shown how to create a pamphlet on Microsoft Publisher. I created one about the attractions which can be found in France. Please see below for my finished product.
Microsoft Publisher is an excellent program for students to express themselves using ICT. According to VELS students will need to be able to use recommended search engines to find information about their topic. Once they have done this, they can display their findings in a range of ways on Excel.
Rather than always writing information, it is useful for students to type and to create brochures and collages on the computer in order to express their creative sides as well. They can use their brochure to advertise an item or a holiday destination.When students have completed their brochures, they can look at different writing styles, formating and how the information is presented, which can lead onto lessons about how effective advertising is and how it can be improved.
In our workshop we were then directed to create an e-portfolio on Microsoft Publisher. A portfolio is a way to relfect on one's experiences and beliefs and an e-portfolio allows you to upload your portfolio onto the internet, so that potential employers are able to gain a better understanding about their future employees. Progression Point 3.25 in VELS says that students should be able to create an electronic portfolio to display their work. This program makes it easy for students to do this.
Below is an example of an e-portofolio which I created on Publisher.

Microsoft Publisher allows students to create many different types of texs such as menus, news letters, banners and many others. In this day and age, where computers and the internet are used daily by many people all over the world, it is important for students to be exposed to computers and to become familiar with useful programs such as Publisher.
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