How to Make a Frog Jump ?
Today in our workshop we tried to make a 'frog' jump. the materials we were allowed to use:
1. a small piece of carboard
2. picture of a frog
3. rubber band
4. sticky tape
5. glue-stick
6. scissors
our group stuck the picture of the frog to the cardboard and folded the cardboard into a sort of table looking structure and wrapped the rubber band around the cardboard. we then pushed down on the rubber band and the frog appeared to 'jump.'
After completing this activity, students can be encouraged to create a flowchart or poster on the computer (using programs like Inspiration, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher), describing the steps/stages taken in order to make the frog jump.
If students were to complete this activity in class, for an extension activity, students could use a bigger piece of cardboard.
QUIA Website
The QUIA website (www.quia.com/web) can be used to make quizs with multiple choice answers. This is a great way for students to test their knowledge about a topic. Not only can they be given these quizes to complete on the computer, but they can create their own quizes and complete other students' ones.
I created a quiz about zoo animals. the link to my quiz is http://www.quia.com/quiz/2514028.html
A snapshot of my quiz is displayed here :

The Quiz website can also be used to create different activies, such as hangman, jumbled words, scavenger hunts and many more.
I created a 'hang man' game about underwater animals. A link to my hangman game is here : http://www.quia.com/hm/668203.html
This is a snapshot of my hang man game:

Websites such as Quia are helpful for students to revise for a test or assesment in a 'fun' way on the computer. It will encourage them to develop their hand and eye coordination (especially in the junior levels) by using the mouse, whilst making them think about the questions.
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